Forges and Folklore

Warrior Wednesday

Flint & Steel

These pairs of blades were standard issue equipment for officers of the Inquisition when they launched their campaign through the Brastoe Wildlands. Fire was the most effective way to deal with the awakened plant-life both native to the area and controlled by the wild elves that lived there. The popularity of the pair of swords lasted beyond this particular campaign, and the “burning blades” eventually became a symbol of the Inquisition.

Beartrap Flail – Jaws of Dimclaw

The Beartrap Flail is a martial weapon that lets you pull enemies closer to you. Think Scorpion from Mortal Kombat and you aren’t too far off. I always like to provide a little lore for the items I create, even if they are something that might not necessarily be unique within a world.

Heads of the Hydra

As the legend goes a masterful huntsman once stole into the nest of a sleeping hydra and made off with one of its eggs. As the hydra grew, it came to be a guardian of the huntsman’s tribe, and for generations served its people. Under its watch the tribe saw prosperity, growing in size and power until it ruled vast swathes of land in all directions.

Icarian Blades

A pair of crossed swords with winged tips

The first pair of these mithril scimitars was enchanted for the spoiled son of a corrupt king. When sitting in his garden one day, the boy became enraged as he watched the birds fly overhead, looking down upon him. Days later an edict was issued from the palace, outlawing all avian beasts of any species within the borders of the kingdom, and offering a bounty of five copper pieces on their heads.