Forges and Folklore

A pair of crossed swords with winged tips

Icarian Blades

The first pair of these mithril scimitars was enchanted for the spoiled son of a corrupt king. When sitting in his garden one day, the boy became enraged as he watched the birds fly overhead, looking down upon him. Days later an edict was issued from the palace, outlawing all avian beasts of any species within the borders of the kingdom, and offering a bounty of five copper pieces on their heads.

In the following months the kingdom was rid of all flighted beasts, and the prince had these blades commissioned, allowing him to fly the bird-free skies, and look down upon his domain. As he flew over the barren fields of his kingdom with his new toys, he became smothered in a cloud of locusts that now ran unchecked throughout the lands, and dropped one of the blades in his panic. After the prince plummeted to his death, his swords were recovered by a traveling merchant and sold off in a faraway land.

The design was later reproduced by a talented blacksmith, and similar sets can be found if one looks hard enough.


Weapon (scimitars), rare (requires attunement)

Both swords must be attuned to to gain their benefits, but only count as one item for the purposes of the three item attunement limit.

These blades are made of mithril, and weigh only half as much as standard scimitars.

This item comes with three charges. While attuned to these swords, and wielding one in either hand, you may cast the Fly spell on yourself by expending one charge. When cast this way the spell does not require concentration, but ends immediately if either weapon is sheathed or dropped. This item regains 1d4-1 charges each day at dawn.

Balancing Note: If you’d like to present these items to lower level characters, or simply lower their strength slightly, give them the ability to cast Levitate, rather than Fly.

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