Forges and Folklore

Draught of Living Death

Functionally a Potion of Healing for the undead, this foul smelling, green concoction is said to originate in ghoul communities deep in the Underdark. There, it is traded frequently in the street markets and supplied to whatever form of armed forces that the hungering dead can manage to organize.

To an undead creature, this potion restores the negative energies that keep them moving in much the same way a Potion of Healing restores the life force of a human. A living creature who consumes this will also receive the same influx of animating energies, but at the expense of a significant drain on their natural vitality, that will take some time to recover from.

Although much less common on the surface, flasks of this are brewed and sold by the more unsavory alchemists in darker corners of civilization. They can be especially popular among pit fighters and desperate mercenaries, who simply can’t afford to wait for their wounds to heal naturally.


Potion, uncommon

An undead creature who consumes this potion regains half of any missing hit points.

A living creature who consumes this potion immediately has its maximum hit points reduced to the same amount as its current hit points. It then gains temporary hit points equal to the amount of maximum hit points it just lost. The creature regains 10 maximum hit points at the end of each long rest; this is the only way to recover maximum hit points lost to the effects of this item short of a Wish spell.

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